Rolex Card Manufacturing Co., Mumbai : Rates
Standard Package
Starting Package price3000 Pay1200 to bookWhat this package includes No. of Cards 100Size (approximately 10"x 6")No. of Leafs 1Package Information :The price listed above is for material cost of 100 ready design wedding cards (approximately 10”x 6”), with envelope and 1 leaf inside. Prices range from Rs. 20 to Rs. 200 depending on customers choice. A minimum quantity of 200 required for customized cards. Prices vary basis on quantity of cards ordered. Printing Charges Extra. In Accessories: Deals in Gifts Envelopes, Boxes, Bags Other Details: 1) Minimum order - 100 Qty. then multiple of 50 Qty. 2) No Loose samples - No Photography Mobile 3) Timings - 10.30 am - 8.00 pm , Sunday Closed 4) Lunch Timings - 1.00 p.m. - 2.00 p.m. 5) 5% Tax applicable on Blank cards and 12.5% Tax on Printing Cards 6) 3 - 5 % is standard wastage in printing 7) No Home Delivery Services.