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8 Things Every Bride must do a Night Before her Wedding

Tomorrow is your wedding. 

The momentous occasion; that one single moment you have been waiting for will finally arrive within a few hours. Feeling jittery? Feeling nervous? Feel like you could have done something more? 

Take a step back! 

Gather your thoughts. Think about the bigger picture. Breathe in and breathe out. After all, you don’t want to ruin your special day only because you are being bogged down by (unnecessary) stressors. 

Keep aside the negatives and think all about why you have been waiting for this day- think about your partner, the outfit you will be flaunting, the gifts you will receive and things that will make you feel happy and excited.

For all those soon-to-be brides out there, here is a short and handy checklist of things you should do a night before your wedding, to ensure that you don’t mess up:

1.Eat Healthy

Do not binge a night before your wedding! Yes, you cannot reach out for that greasy pizza overloaded with cheese or devour an entire chocolate bar or keep munching on chips. Go in for something light like salad or soup or eat comfort food like dal and rice.

2. Sleep Well

Rest well a night before your wedding. This way you will be mentally energised and you will be able to enjoy your function better! Moreover, you don’t want puffy eyes on your special occasion, do you? 

3. Switch off your phone 

Yes, I mean after talking to your hubby-to-be of course 🙂

It is best to disconnect for a while and keep your phone aside. This way you won’t be cutting out on your resting hours by browsing through Instagram posts and going through peoples’ stories. It is best to take some time off from all your possible Wedding groups on Whatsapp- buzzing with a gazillion messages.

4. Do something you like

Put on your favourite music and groove a little or watch a Romcom on Netflix- do whatever makes you laugh or smile or makes you feel at ease and stress-free. 

5. Ask your friends to come over

If you are having a destination wedding, your friends will be staying at the same location. However, if you aren’t having one and you still want your friends to give you company, call them over. This will help relieve you of your stress. 

6. Pack your essentials 

Take a small pouch and put in all your essentials into it. The lipstick that you will be applying for the wedding, your medicine (if you take any), small chocolate, a band-aid, safety pins, etc. Keep it inside a fancy potli bag (if you are carrying one), or else ask your bestie to carry it with her if she is going to be by your side during the ceremony.

7. Don’t try to control everything

With few hours remaining for you to get hitched to your partner, it is best that you ditch overthinking about minute details. Do not try to control each and everything as this can lead to you getting anxious and paranoid. Go with the flow and let things unravel on their own. 

8. Don’t try anything new 

Whether it is applying a new cream as part of your skincare routine or eating something you haven’t had before, do not do any of it! You do not want to be dealing with breakouts or allergies on your D-day! 

Having said all of this, keep calm ladies, prop up your feet and await the exciting occassion you have been looking forward to since forever. 

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